Thursday, August 15, 2013


All life is interconnected.

From the smallest microbe in the soil, which with sun, water and other nutrients nourish the plant... which nourishes the animal kingdom. All life is a circle... when the plant or animal dies it turns back to nutrients and minerals and feeds the soil microbes to start the whole process again.

This process doesn’t need us!

We need it!

If we kill all the microbes in the soil with chemicals, then the plants are nourished with more chemicals, then the chemically nutrient plants feed the animals and both feed us.... If there are no real nutrients in anything in the chain and we are at the other end of the chain...

what do you think happens?

It creates a health care crisis and pollution of the land, water and air just to name a few. Not to mention the effects to the economy and the rights of people all over the world!

It is skillfully 'marketed' by only a few companies that own most of the major media to the public as...

   freedom and rights... and the loss there of
   government regulations
       being too tough on business or too loose on the environment
   redistribution of the wealth... take from the rich and give to the poor
   race relations
   immigration regulations
   one scandal after another of people getting caught doing wrong things.

When people feel they have to fight for something, they will do anything. They are easily stirred with resentment and anger... all emotional responses... when we respond with heavy emotion, it gets others caught up in the ferver, like cheering at a sporting event!

When you feed two different ideals to people, 1/2 will choose each. When you market the loss of something to instill a sense of outrage.. you will create division. When you have division... people are too preoccupied with the division to observe the truth. This creates a cycle that locks an entire society into a pattern to keep repeating itself like a skipping record.

Whether you believe in religion or not.. this world is created in a 50/50 plan... night.. day... right.. wrong... Yin.. Yang... chicken.. egg :D it is all around us. That is the interconnectedness. One follows the other, followed by the other and so on to infinity. Every culture has this basic belief. Add man to the mix and we constantly tip the cycle from one extreme to the other.

Try to expand your view of something around you everyday... try to learn something about yourself and about the world. We are not just a country on the planet.. we are citizens OF the planet! There is an out and out assault on our planet right now and we don't see it because we are divided with hate mongering, race baiting, class dividing, political ideology, religious intolerance, etc... all perpetrated on us through a marketing campaign of consumerism, want and waste.

Stop being baited...

Stop buying into their system...
Stop fighting with those you have different views with...
Stop giving into the trap that has been set.

Realize every person on the earth just wants to live! Realize that most simply want to enjoy their family and friends and have enough to eat and be comfortable. We all just want to have safe, nutritious food, clean water, air and land to live on. We want to be tolerated and not have others ideals pushed on us.. but we are all having a picture painted of us by our culture.. so we have all simply become a color, or race or gender.

Stop focusing on the differences and the exclusions and focus on the oneness and the interdependence of all living creatures.

Meditate, pray and work on this throughout the next week and post something new you have realized or learned.

"Come together right now!" as quoted so famously by the Beetles.

PEACE from the HIGHEST! From another source...

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