Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hi and thanks for stopping by!

I would like to give you a little background on why I have this blog! :D I became sick about 17 years ago with one weird ailment after another... one doctor would say he didn’t know and would send me to another. The next would do the same... sending me on an endless journey never to find an answers. I kept a record of all the weird things going on and no doctors were of any help.. they finally started to be able to diagnose the symptoms over time as they became more prevelant in society (before that, they had not existed). 

Now there are some that are getting it.

They could offer some help to manage the symptoms... all that had side effects... all that cost a lot and was sending the cost of my insurance higher every year... until it all just exploded! After a time when I couldn’t even lift myself out of bed, I couldn’t care for my new baby or husband, I went on a quest to think and solve this problem. I sat up most nights researching every avenue. Some worked for a time, but again were only masking the symptoms... until I realized that it all started when I moved to the midwest and started eating ‘normal’ food.

was from Texas where all the beef was free rage grass fed, but I had been a vegetarian for a long time. I ate fresh, whole, organic food. My friends would have said, I was the healthiest eating person they knew...I still ate a lot of fresh whole foods... but had fallen victim to the grocery store prepackaged foods and eating out at restaurants, no easy way to get organics and to much moderation on almost everything else... meat, dairy and grains in and with everything! I realized the biggest thing that had changed was I ate meat and dairy from the grocery store that was raised on grain. AND the release of GMO’s and glyphosate (round up) and I lived right in the middle of all of it!

I made an intentional effort to get off GMO’s
(genetically modified organisms)...

to buy only organic whole cracked/steel cut and stone ground grains and make all bread/cracker products at home... and eat a lot less...

and sprouted grain or sourdough bread being the main product.

To juice large amounts of vegetables with a little fruit for flavor... and as organic as possible

to get alkaline with fresh lemon and raw apple cider vinager in my water daily

to drink 100 onces of water a day

to reduce all meat and dairy to 20% or less and come from a grass fed farm that offers raw dairy products.

only eat honey, maple syrup and raw evaporated cane sugar in small quantities for sweeteners.

to be as raw and pure as possible!


This blog is research I continue to do in this area...
the research I did opened my eyes to a lot more than food and health...

It opened my eyes...
to our country's health care crisis and what’s causing it and the pockets it’s lining... 

to the solution to the same health care crisis and the pockets that it’s lining...

to the way of farming that has been pushed onto the universities,
by who and who’s pockets it's lining...

to government regulations and the pockets it’s lining (getting the picture?)

to the right to grow life itself and who want’s to own it and who stands to gain...

to the very few commodities companies that own all the food stuffs in the world

to people, plants and animals being nothing more than consuming commodities that are treated with equal regard by the people in charge of herding them up and keeping them docile.

It is all interconnected and it affects everyone in the world.

The world has been turned into one large monoculture of agriculture...

if you don’t follow the rules, they take you over or put you under

they own the courts and government officials.

the soil is dead and so is the food that is being forced to grow on it with chemicals... who gets paid?

farming practices created by them creates pestulance and has to be fixed.. who get’s paid?

government regualtions are designed to burden the small business’s out of business so large corporations can take over.... who get's paid?

when something is a commodity and people make money off of it..
it is just gambling and those involved don't realize they are a commodity
as well that someone is making money off of...

nothing comes for free!

We must take back our soil
take back our seed 
take back our right to plant it, nurish it, grow it and reap the benefits of it!
Be a part of creation and walk closer to God!

Viva la revolution!
Viva la food!
Viva la health :D


  1. thanks for sharing your story! My dr. has told me i have inflammatory arthritis but hasn't pinpointed which of the 100+ types of arthritis I actually have. I'm a vegetarian - but have my share of processed foods. My inflammation literally came over night about a year ago. Hard to walk, get out of bed, etc.. Dr. put me on prednisone and it has helped me so far. I just wonder if a strict diet change would turn me back around. Did your symptoms slowly appear overtime? I find it weird if i am having a negative reaction to something i'm eating, why did it appear one day full-force out of nowhere?

    1. Kayleen.. thanks for reading and responding! Please stay tuned for more info to come! Sometimes it takes me a few days or even a week to get back.. and I'm still trying to get the blog up and running! :D some of my symptoms were always there.. because I have a genetic predisposition to arthritis... but all of my study has showed me the body wants to heal itself and is too greatly made to turn on itself as in autoimmune diseases! Sometimes it is just the right catalyst that brings on a new ailment. PLease stay tuned as I go through everything I have learned. Watch this presentation by a leading bioscientist and get your diet as clean as you can to start with... I'm not saying it will always have to be this way.. but you have to get back to the basics to heal then add other things back in until you track down the problem! The biggest thing that helped me along the way while I got my diet perfect and clean was my daily tonic of 64 oz of RO water with 2 T of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, a fresh squeezed lemon and 2T of honey. When I get to busy and miss this for a time... I start to feel pain creeping back in! So watch this...
