Saturday, October 5, 2013

David Suzuki: An elder's vision for our sustainable future

To humans... growth is the very definition of progress... yet what we don't see is... that cancer attempts to grow forever and the result is death! ~Paraphrase from David Suzuki.

On my quest to heal my body of so many diseases that had no cure... the Lord brought me full circle... that our food system was related to our planet and how we cared for it... but had been hijacked by business, who's only purpose it to grow and make more money at all costs. Once you get inside and see this web for what it is.. you see the interconnectedness of all living things and all elements on this planet... and what we have done and are doing to destroy it all in the name of progress.

Some think it is too late for anything... I believe we are here to motivate and inspire those around us to do their best in every way.. eating better for better health, realizing that less is more, committing to not needing everything we feel entitled to have.. that feeling was implanted in your brain by people that wanted you to have more, more , more!

It is time to start a real revolution where we realize that less is more when it comes to growth and stuff... and more is more when it comes to being connected and having love with others!

This may be the best watch you watch for the rest of the year!

Be aware he is a man of science not of God..
so there is a little profanity, but the message is well worth it!

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